Cuándo/Dónde -- When/Where -- Wann/Wo

October -> Zu Hause/En casa/At Home

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Trujillo - Chan Chan

This morning I arrived to the city of Trujillo, where the ruins of the mighty old adobe city of Chan Chan have been fighting the rain for more than 1000 years:

The Plaza de Armas at Trujillo:

One of the open chambers of the city of Chan Chan:

Some of the carvings remaining at the city:

The walls inside the city (they used to be over 14 meter high) :

Myself inside the ruins:

The ceremonial lake:

More carvings:

This carvings now belong to the huaca del Arco Iris, which belonged to the original complex:

Remaining wall at the huaca del Arco Iris:

The best preserved wall at the Huaca Arco Iris:

And tomorrow will visit two more huacas (ceremonial sites), which belonged to the Moche culture...

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