Cuándo/Dónde -- When/Where -- Wann/Wo

October -> Zu Hause/En casa/At Home

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Lambayeque - Túcume

Yesterday arrived to the village of Lambayeque, next to Chiclayo, to see the famous tomb of the Señor de Sipán. Today but, went first to the ruins of Túcume, old coastal pyramid complex with 26 adobe constructions (all in ruins):

A mock-up of the city the way it was 1000 years ago:

Ancient stone carvings of this civilization:

This bird was recurrent in all the designs:

I got the chance to see some wild life, like this owl:

Or the beautiful Turtupilín bird:

 Or this iguana with blue head, called Azulejo:

And finally a nice pic of the Gallinazo, related to the Condor:

This ain't wild life, just me doing stupid posing:

 Here some Panoramas of the site:

This is known as the Park of Stones:

And tomorrow will visit the Señor de Sipán, let's see if it's really worth it...

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