Cuándo/Dónde -- When/Where -- Wann/Wo

October -> Zu Hause/En casa/At Home

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011


So, now in Mongolia...

These are some pics of the train and in Mongolia as well:

Here some view from the train (latest part of Siberia):

This is the beautiful Timutlin (name of the fierce sister of Genghis Khan):
Food during the new year (lunar) celebration in Mongolia:
People with traditional suits:
Me in front of the Genghis Khan statue in Ulanbaatar:
Looking outside the city:
Evolution? (2):
Perros callejeros (street dogs):
The Gandantegchenling Monastery in Ulanbaatar:

Today we celebrated again the New Year, it's 2:00 in the morning, and I don't really remember the last hours...
Mama and her daughters (don't actually remember this picture...):
 The whole family:
 Brian, Neeve and Hugh (my irish mates!):
 Brian and Mama (I am sure Brian does not remember this!):

 Me with the head of the family?
 Hugh with some other big fish of the family:

Today, as you can imagine, was a relax day...
The Bogd Khaan Palace:

 And that one's for you Rob, Genghis beer!:

Tomorrow we go on a 4-day tour to Central Mongolia and the Mini-Gobi, will try to update pics on Friday...

3 comentarios:

  1. Hallo David,
    fantastische Bilder und ein reizendes Baby so richtig zum knuddeln.Es wirkt alles etwas wärmer nicht nur von den Temperaturen!Hat das essen geschmedkt sieht auf jedenfall lecker aus.
    Sei umarmt!
    Herzlichst Gudrun

  2. Hi Gudrun,

    sie war so Süß und riesig!! Hier in die Mongolai ist nicht so kalt, und ich habe diese Irish Leute kenn gelärnt, die sind sehr nett zu mir, ich glaube morgen gehen wir schon in die Gobi Wüste.
    Viel spaß heute beim Essen, ich vermiss euch Alle sehr!!

  3. Amigo mío, esto parece la vuelta al mundo en 80 vodkas.... Como molan las fotos con los hijos de Genghis Khan, y la niña es preciosa por cierto. Have fun !!! Pd: the "evolution" picture looks more like "involution" than anything else.
